As a custom mattress-maker, we specialize in boat mattresses. We can craft your custom boat mattress in the exact width, length, and height you need.

The luxurious gisamed® BASIC mattress is extremely comfortable. It has a double cover and the core is enclosed in a soft diolen layer.

The gisamed® VITAL mattress consists of the combination of a layer of 3D spacing material, a high-quality cold foam layer for comfort and a layer of temperature regulating spacing weave.  The cover material gisamed® is protected from moulds and mildew with an innovative finishing.

The gisamed® mattress topper VITAL SOLO is the ideal compensating layer that can cover two or more mattresses to make one sleeping surface. It effectively fills up the gaps between them, leaving a comfortable continuous surface to lie on.

The gisamed® EXTREM mattress is ideal for roof tents and Adventure 4x4x vehicles. Due to the innovative 3D technology, the mattress is extremely comfortable with an overall height of only 5 cm and enhances comfort. Pressure relief and under-ventilation ensure a restful sleep.
